Facilities & Infrastructures


Faculty: The college has well qualified and experienced teaching staff in different faculties. They have variety of talents and abilities. Some of them have the highest degrees in their respective fields of study and have earned professional recognition. The faculties have the responsibility of guiding the students in making the best use of students’ time and energy.


Library: The college has a library having sufficient number of books on all the subjects of study. The extensive book bank section of the library provides books that can be retained by a student through out the year. Apart from the general library, books can also be borrowed from the departmental libraries attached to several departments of the college. The library subscribes to over 100 news papers and popular scientific and subject journals.


Laboratories: The college has well equipped, spacious and most modern laboratories in Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Computer Science Special Coaching Classes: The college conducts coaching classes for CA and CS foundation, CET, NEET, JEE mains.


Audio-Visual Programmes: The College has a fully air conditioned Audio-Visual Hall with a seating capacity of about a hundred. It has all the necessary audio visual equipment including a 16mm sound projector, an LCD projector and a colour TV. Educational films and slides of different subjects are being shown regularly to supplement the class room teaching.


Physical Education: The spacious playground provides ample scope for variety of games like basket ball, badminton, shuttle, volley ball etc. facilities for indoor games are also available.


Extra-curricular Activities: Various associations of the College provide opportunities for exhibition of talents to all those students who are proficient in drama, dance, music, painting, public-speaking etc. The associations encourage talented students, train them and lead them to competitions of different levels.


Financial aid and Proficiency Prizes: A number of Freeships and Scholarships are available to deserving students. They are granted in accordance with rules prescribed by the Government. The College also awards, each year, prizes and scholarships for general proficiency in individual classes.


College Canteen: The canteen provides lunch at reasonable rates in the afternoon, snacks and beverages during other times.